Parenting: resources, advice, guides, and everything in between.
Resources, tips, articles, and general assistance in getting started with homeschooling.
New York State Regents Exam
Lists of previous tests and information from NYSED.gov.
Scholastic Teaching Resources
Teaching tools and articles.
Remote Learning
K-12 Blueprint
Virtual & hybrid learning resources for parents.
Child Mind Resources
General learning resources from pre-academic to elementary school.
Education Reimagined
Articles and tips on things such as sleep schedules during Covid, improving your child’s experience with online learning, and more.
The Baby Years
Baby Center
Information and resources for you and your new baby from pregnancy to the childhood years.
Zero to Three
A helpful website that covers topics on early development, learning, parenting, and more.
On Bullying
Empowering Parents
A helpful article on 9 steps you can take as a parent to help your child if you think they’re being bullied.
Contains facts, media guidelines, policies, and more.
Educational Resources and More
PBS Parenting
Activities, educational play, tips, advice, and more.
National Parenting Center
Parent advocacy organization.
Notable Children’s Digital Media
A list of educational apps for both iOS and Android devices such as coding, language learning, chess, math, and more.
National Center for Learning Disabilities
Legislative information & Covid-19 resources.
Common Sense Media
A parent’s guide with reviews on movies your kids may want to watch.
Daycare Database
Suffolk county daycare database search.
Special Needs Resources in Suffolk County
Contains articles, resources, and even activities.
Internet Safety 101
Age-based guidelines for your child when using the internet.
Child Safety on the Internet
A fantastic article discussing the importance of child safety on the internet, what’s changed in the last few years, along with internet benefits.
Kids’ Health
General health, growth and development, emotions, behavior, and more.
New York State Education Department
Contains resources for all things education such as preschool special education programs, driver’s education, educator look up, and more.