Children’s Department
Book Recommendations
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New York Times Best Children’s Books of 2023
Browse the New York Times Best Children’s Books of 2023.
Book Reviews
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Homework Help
Online tutoring, homework help, paper writing help, and so much more.
Gale Elementary
Formerly Kids InfoBits, this can help with everything from homework assignments to bigger projects.
Britannica School
Encyclopedia Britannica’s online database for elementary, middle, and high school.
1000 Books Before Kindergarten
Helpful for learning about the program and even downloading reading logs.
Online Safety Tips
Kids’ Rules for Online Safety
Overall rules for online safety and helpful tips to remember.
Fun Links and Games
Nick Jr.
Preschool games.
Smithsonian Learning Lab
Contains millions of authentic (that means real and true) digital resources.
Sesame Street
Preschool games.
Magic Tree House
A list of the books and mission game.
Make Me Genius
Educational games for different age levels.
National Geographic Kids
Has facts and information on almost everything!
NASA Kids’ Club
Learn all about space and even play a few space games.
Cool Math
Check out some of these fun math games.